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closed domain中文是什么意思

用"closed domain"造句"closed domain"怎么读"closed domain" in a sentence


  • 闭域
  • 封闭畴


  • Two important properties of cartesian closed domain categories
  • The software matlab is used to calculate the fuzzy system , the fuzzy system divide the voltage - reactive pane into nine fuzzy zone , in this way the domain - swing between closing domain is eliminated
  • In this thesis a fuzzy control system used in voltage and reactive power auto regulatory device is designed based on the nine - zone controlling principle . in the fuzzy system , the fuzzy reasoning is mamdani method and the antifuzzy is centroid method . the software matlab is used to calculate the fuzzy system . the fuzzy system divide the voltage - reactive pane into fuzzy zone , in this way the domain - swing between closing domain is eliminated
用"closed domain"造句  


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